• 111/9, Aruna Asaf Ali Marg, Pocket 4, Sector B, Vasant Kunj, New Delhi, 110070
  • +91 11-41444817

Customer experience or just disruption with Emerging Tech?

Success begins with thinking customer first. We believe in a needed transformation to provide a better customer experience with tangible impact using AI/ML, Blockchain, Cloud service, IoT and other emerging technologies that is more entered on adding customer valued through end-to-end processes.

Customer experience or just disruption with Emerging Tech?

Success begins with thinking customer first. We believe in a needed transformation to provide a better customer experience with tangible impact using AI/ML, Blockchain, Cloud service, IoT and other emerging technologies that is more entered on adding customer valued through end-to-end processes.

From Customer Behavioural Data to better
Customer experience decision

Lets KindKonnect unlock the predictive power of your customer behavioural data and help you to optimise your business decisions, Increase lead quantity and quality, engagement with Targets Accounts and increase Pipeline & Revenue.

KindKonnect Predictive Intelligence tool useful for:



Government & PSU

Big Data & Analytics in Law Enforcement:
Predictive Policing

Predictive policing is the application of analytical techniques—particularly quantitative techniques to identify likely targets for police intervention and prevent crime or solve past crimes by making statistical predictions. We at KindKonnect have illustrated how predictive technologies are being used to support police operations through a set of examples and case studies. KindKonnect Predictive Intelligence system enables law enforcement agencies to capture an overall picture of criminal activity across the city—both what’s happened historically and what’s likely to occur in the future.

Predicting and monitoring
crime and crime location

Predicting Offenders

Predicting Perpetrator

Predicting Crime Victims

KindKonnect Predictive Intelligence tool useful for:

Law Enforcement

